Capacity building & knowledge exchange
Task 3 of DEEP SEAS developed a series of Thematic Capacity Building workshops in key policy areas related to aclohol consumption and harm, with the support of hosts in selected EU member states, and within the frame of the prevention strand of the EU beating cancer plan. The principal idea was to facilitate clear communication and exchange of perspectives and priorities across sectors, and to establish sustainable connections which can endure after the events to enhance and promote health in all policy initiatives.
In collaboration and synergy with sister contracts, FAR SEAS and AlHaMBRA Project, DEEP SEAS elaborated evidence-based briefing documents and organised 6 events in a series of multi-sectoral Thematic Workshops (see below) for knowledge exchange and capacity building, throughout 2020-2022, each supported by an evidence-based briefing document, based on a scientific review of the existing knowledge.

Procedure to develop the work
Task 3 of DEEP SEAS provided a common approach and methodology to support European Member States in knowledge gathering, sharing best practice and capacity building for evidence-based alcohol policy and harm-reduction across multiple sectors, adopting a health in all policies approach.
For this end, in collaboration with sister contracts FAR SEAS and AlHaMBRA Project, DEEP SEAS elaborated evidence-based briefing documents, mapping exercises and organised multi-sectoral thematic workshops for knowledge exchange and capacity building, focusing on 6 specific policy topics related to alcohol:
- Traditional Marketing
- Socioeconomic Inequalities
- Nutrition and Obesity
- Taxation and Pricing
- Agricultural Policy for Alcohol Products
- Cancer
Overview of the Thematic Workshops
Due to travel rescrictions as a result of the covid-19 pandemic and armed conflict in Ukraine, the workshop series was revised.
The final dates for the DEEP SEAS workshops over 2020-2022 were as follows: