Task 4 – Regional implementation of brief intervention programme in primary care
Task 4 of DEEP SEAS aims to develop a transferable implementation plan to promote more large-scale implementation and research on BI among EU Member States.
The Task 4 team will study the feasibility of implementing a brief intervention programme for hazardous/harmful alcohol drinkers and alcohol dependent patients by Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals. The piloted programme with comprise a short and multi-contact alcohol brief intervention (BI) strategy including screening and referral to treatment (RT), with the study carried out in the central region of Portugal.

In line with current advances in the field, the BI strategy will explore whether, depending on the level of internet penetration in the population and the professionals’ use of technology, it is feasible to offer two modes of delivery to PHC professionals: face-to-face, and website assisted BI, with access facilitated by a professional.